Creating the different card types

Learn how to create each card type within a Speakable activity.

Last updated
August 27, 2024

Now, let's go over how to create each type of card.

Note: To open the menu for adding cards, click the + button next to the "Content" tab. This will display the different card options available.

Consideration: When working with Repeat Cards, Multiple Choice Cards, and Respond Cards, you have the option to add media areas. These media areas can be used to include additional content such as images, audio, or videos to enhance the activity.

Building a Repeat Card

  1. Opening the Menu:
    • To create a Repeat Card, open the menu to add a card and select the one labeled Repeat.
  1. Understanding the UI:
    • Once you click on the Repeat Card option, the following UI will appear:
    • On the left, you’ll see a new card in the content list labeled "Prompt Missing," indicating that the card is empty. On the right, you’ll find the Student Action section where the main interaction happens.
  1. Adding Text for Students to Repeat:
    • In the Student Action area on the right, there is an input box where you can type the text you want the student to repeat.
    • Below this input box, if the phrase you’ve entered is unverified—meaning no teacher has verified it on the platform before—you’ll have the option to verify it.
  1. Card Settings:

Building a Multiple Choice (MC) Card

  1. Opening the Menu:
    • To create a Multiple Choice Card, open the menu to add a card and select the one labeled Multiple Choice.
  1. Understanding the UI:
    • Once you click on the Multiple Choice option, the following UI will appear:
    • On the left, you’ll see a new card in the content list labeled "Prompt Missing," indicating that the card is empty. On the right, you’ll find the Student Action section where the main interaction happens.
  1. Adding a Question or Prompt:
    • In the Student Action area on the right, there is an input box labeled Prompt / Question where you can type or record the question or statement that you want the students to respond to.
  1. Adding Options:
    • Below the prompt, you will find an area labeled Options where you can add multiple choice answers. You can switch between Single-Select and Multi-Check options depending on whether students should select one or multiple answers. You also have the option to shuffle the answers.
  1. Card Settings:

Building a Respond Card

  • Creating a Respond Card:
    • To create a Respond Card, open the menu to add a card and select the one labeled Respond.
  • Understanding the Respond Card UI:
    • Once you select the Respond option, the following UI will appear:
    • On the left, a new card will appear in the content list with the label "Prompt Missing," indicating that the card is currently empty. On the right, you'll see the Student Action area, where you'll set up the content of the Respond Card.
  • Setting Up the Prompt:
  • In the Student Action area, you'll find options to set up your prompt either as Text or Audio:
  • Additional Features:
    • The Respond Card includes additional functionalities like Auto-Grading, which can be configured for automatic assessment of student responses. For more details on this feature, you can refer to Auto-Grading Settings.
  • Student Response Options:
    • For student responses, you can choose whether they should respond through Speaking or Writing:
  • Writing Response: Students type their response, with an option to set a character limit.
  • Speaking Response: Students record their response verbally.

Adding Media to a Card

  1. Open the Content Tab:
  2. To create a Media Page, open the menu to add a card and select the one labeled Media Page.
  1. Add Multimedia Content:
  2. Once the Media Page is added, you can start adding content.
  1. In the media areas, you can link various types of content like images, videos, documents, etc. If you need guidance on adding these media types, refer back to the media areas section of this documentation (Add link here to media area docs).
  2. Adding a Media Area to Other Cards:
  3. If you wish to add a media area to other card types such as Respond, Repeat, or Multiple Choice cards, you can refer to the section on Using Media Areas in Cards.
  4. Below is an example of how a media area can be integrated into a Multiple Choice card

Card Settings:

For more detailed options, you can configure the Media Page settings. Click here to view the Media Page settings.

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