
he Respond action requires students to reply to a prompt, either verbally or in writing.

Last updated
August 28, 2024

The Respond action requires students to reply to a prompt, either verbally or in writing. It is versatile, accommodating both spoken and written responses.

  1. Spoken Response
    • The prompt can be a text or an audio recording.
    • Students record their response by clicking the microphone button, which activates a countdown timer.
    • After finishing your response to the prompt, click the mic button to end the recording.
    • After recording, Save your answer by clicking the "Save my answer" button.
  1. Written Response
    • The student writes their answer in a text field and clicks the "Save my answer" button to submit their response.

Feedback: Feedback is provided immediately in practice mode and after submission in assessment mode. You can find detailed feedback options here.

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